207.933           Inclusion in Scheduling MSSNY HOD Virtual Reference Committee Meetings and Committee Meetings So No Members are Barred from Live Participation Due to Religious Faith or Practices

MSSNY will build upon existing efforts to schedule virtual HOD Reference Committee meetings, in-person and virtual committee, and Council meetings at times that do not overlap with religious observance. (HOD 2024 – 208)

207.934           Election Reform and the Candidate Interference with Committee Members

MSSNY Nominations Committee selection of candidates shall be independent. (HOD 2024 – 217)

207.935           Revision of Nomination and Election Processes for MSSNY Officers to Enhance Democracy

MSSNY acknowledges the importance of revising its current nomination and election processes to align with democratic principles.

  1. MSSNY will establish a special committee comprised of representatives from various segments of its membership to review and propose amendments to the existing nomination and election procedures.
  2. The special committee shall conduct a comprehensive assessment of the current processes, seeking input from MSSNY members through surveys, town hall meetings, and other inclusive methods.
  3. The special committee shall consider best practices in democratic nomination and election procedures within similar organizations and incorporate these insights into the revised MSSNY processes.
  4. The revised processes should prioritize transparency, inclusivity, and fairness, ensuring that all eligible members have equal opportunities to participate in the nomination and election of officers.
  5. MSSNY commits to providing clear and accessible information about the revised nomination and election procedures to its members through various communication channels.
  6. The special committee shall present its proposed revisions to the MSSNY House of Delegates meeting in 2025 for review and approval.
  7. Upon approval, MSSNY will implement the revised nomination and election processes in the subsequent election cycle.
  8. MSSNY encourages ongoing evaluation and feedback from its members to further refine and enhance the democratic nature of its nomination and election procedures.

MSSNY reaffirms its commitment to democratic values and acknowledges the importance of continuously evolving its processes to better serve the needs and expectations of its diverse membership. (HOD 2024 – 216)

207.936           New Policy for MSSNY’s Nominations Committee

The Medical Society of the State of New York (MSSNY) adopts a policy such that the MSSNY Nominations Committee review the credentials of all nominated candidates for MSSNY office as received from the County Medical Societies and MSSNY members, with the goal of presenting a slate representative of counties’ nominations for MSSNY elections and facilitating contested elections; and that any eligible MSSNY member who is nominated for a leadership position in MSSNY, including AMA delegates, must provide documentation of their county affiliation, either by their residence or the location of their medical practice or professional activities in accordance with MSSNY bylaws. (HOD 2024 – 215)

207.937           MSSNY Committee Seats for Medical Students, Residents and Fellows

MSSNY will seek to appoint a minimum of one medical student member, one resident/fellow member, and one young physician on each committee starting at the conclusion of the 2025 House of Delegates.

207.938           Term Limits for Committee Chairs

The Medical Society of the State of New York (MSSNY) adopts a policy to limit committee chair appointments to a maximum of three consecutive one-year terms as chair. Going forward, the same individual should not be appointed as chair of more than one committee simultaneously. (HOD 2024 – 211)

207.939           RFP Process for MSSNY Contract Renewals

Medical Society of the State of New York (MSSNY) recognizes the discretion of the Board of Trustees in the review and approval of MSSNY’s contracts including appropriate solicitation of request for proposals (RFPs) and encourages the Board to proactively inform MSSNY Council, when appropriate, regarding review and approval of new or existing contracts. (HOD 2024 – 209)

207.940           Chat GPT and Large Language Models at MSSNY HOD

MSSNY encourages transparency in the use of LLMs in resolution writing for future MSSNY House of Delegate meetings. (HOD 2024 – 200)

207.941           Chat GPT and Large Language Models in Medicine

MSSNY will seek through legislation or regulation to require transparency in the use of LLMs in making diagnoses, managing patients’ conditions, educating medical students, writing notes, and publishing research (HOD 2024 -201)

207.942           Nominating Committee and Self-Dealing

Revising MSSNY Nominations:

The name of the “Nominating Committee” shall be changed to “Nominations Committee.”

Those serving on the Nominations Committee shall be ineligible for consideration by the Committee for nomination as officer, trustee, councilor, or AMA delegate.

The nominations committee is encouraged to nominate all submitted candidates for a position after the candidates have been vetted and deemed eligible to hold office.

MSSNY strongly recommends counties and districts to incorporate diversity and equity when submitting nominations.

MSSNY shall assemble a task force with representation from each District and each Section – which has diverse representation with respect to race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and gender identity – that is tasked to improve the nominations process and ensure diversity in our leadership representation, including geographically. Anyone who has served in a MSSNY leadership position within the last five years or is currently running for a position shall not serve on the task force. The task force shall report back to the 2024 House of Delegates. (HOD 2023 – 211, 212, 213)

207.943           Restoring the HOD

MSSNY should restore the HOD to its traditional, more robust, three-day format (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday until conclusion of business) in addition to the CME day. (HOD 2023-209)

207.944           Optimizing Council Deliberations

Timing of Board of Trustee and Council Agenda Item Dissemination:

The agenda, minutes, and supporting materials should be disseminated to all members of Council and Board of Trustees not less than seven (7) days before a scheduled meeting.

The reason for which an item was submitted less than seven (7) days before the scheduled meeting should be provided by the member, and the item may be deferred to the next meeting if not deemed urgent or emergent by at least two-thirds vote. (HOD 2023 – 207, 208)

207.945           Policy on Conduct at MSSNY Meetings and Events

MSSNY will adopt a Policy on Conduct at MSSNY Meetings and Events. MSSNY physician leaders will work with staff to implement and maintain a plan to operationalize a Policy on Conduct at MSSNY Meetings and Events, including mechanisms for reporting, investigation, and enforcement, with progress report to the MSSNY HOD 2024 and annually thereafter. (HOD 2023-206)

207.946           Transparency on MSSNY Investments 

The Board of Trustees (Board) will continue to regularly review MSSNY investments through the Board’s Investment Committee and presentations at Board meetings. The Treasurer will provide summary information on MSSNY investments, along with any changes to investment strategy, at each regular Council meeting and at the annual House of Delegates. (HOD 2023-200)

207.947           Encouraging Free and Open Discussion

MSSNY and the AMA will support free and open discussion of any and all medical topics without risk of harm or retaliation to ensure best practices that are based on the most current, scientifically rigorous, and peer reviewed information available. (HOD 2023 – 103,104)

207.948           MSSNY Best Practices Task Force

The MSSNY Long-Range Planning Committee will make recommendations to the MSSNY President and Council to examine and modernize MSSNY business practices – to include creating an organizational chart and better defining the respective roles of the trustees, elected leaders, Council, House of Delegates and our administrators – to ensure it can remain a leading force for supporting the practice of medicine in New York State. (HOD 2022-202; referred to Council; substitute amended and adopted by Council 3/13/23).

207.949           MSSNY and AMA Recognize the 2022 Bicentennial Celebration of the Medical Society of the County of Kings

The Medical Society of the State of New York recognize the 2022 Bicentennial Celebration of the Medical Society of the County of Kings and a resolution will be introduced at the AMA HOD seeking recognition of the 2022 Bicentennial Celebration of the Medical Society of the County of Kings. (HOD 2022-211)

207.950           Enhancing Services Provided to Physicians from Licensure Onward

MSSNY will advocate to enhance the collection of professional contact information of newly licensed physicians in New York State and transmit the professional contact information of newly licensed physicians in New York State to the appropriate county medical societies. (HOD 2022-210)

207.951           Committee for Academic Medicine and Medical Research

The MSSNY will create an “Academic Medicine and Medical Research Committee” devoted to growth, development and promotion of academic medicine and science among physicians and medical students.  (HOD 2021-203)

207.952           UN International Radionuclide Therapy Day Recognition

The Medical Society of the State of New York will recommend that the American Medical Association support the efforts of the Society of Nuclear Medicine to create and introduce a United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) Resolution for the creation of a new International Day recognition, with the suggested name of “International Radionuclide Therapy Day.” (HOD 2021-201) 

207.953           September 11th as a MSSNY Day of Observance

The Medical Society of the State of New York (MSSNY), in order to acknowledge our special relationship to what  happened on September 11, 2001 to New Yorkers, to our nation, to New York physicians and to our first responders, and to honor and remember those who died and those whose health and well-being have been affected by this terrible incident, recognize and support September 11th as an annual MSSNY day of observance.

MSSNY will urge and support September 11th be recognized by the AMA as an annual day of observance to:  remember all those who died and those who continue to suffer health consequences from the events of 9/11, to honor first and all responders from around the country, and to recognize and forever remind us all of the unity of our country on 9/11/01 and the following months,  (HOD 2021-200)

207.954        Scientific Studies to Support Legislative Agendas

The Medical Society of the State of New York (MSSNY) will continue to work with allied groups and health care policy influencers such as think tanks and other entities that can produce high-quality scientific evidence data to help generate support for MSSNY’s key advocacy goals.

The MSSNY delegation to the AMA will introduce a resolution at the next AMA House of Delegates meeting urging the AMA to expand its efforts to work with allied groups, health care policy influencers such as think tanks, and entities that can produce high-quality scientific evidence, to help generate support for the AMA’s key advocacy goals.  (HOD 2020-104; referred to and adopted by Council 3/1/21)

207.955           MSSNY Leadership Transparency

Upon appointment, the Medical Society of the State of New York will require all Officers, Trustees, and Councilors to disclose the nature of any relationships with any entities that provide goods or services to the Medical Society of the State of New York or that are endorsed by MSSNY and that this information will be updated annually. (HOD 2020-211) 

207.956           Physician Event Parity

Meetings and events organized by MSSNY sections will be held in upstate locations according to the same rotation as is followed in scheduling meetings of the House of Delegates.  (HOD 2020-210) 

207.957           Mentoring

MSSNY will establish a mechanism for mentorship of members who are interested in leadership at the local, state, and national levels and report to the House of Delegates in 2021 on the formation of this mentoring program.  (HOD 2020-202) 

207.958           Annual Demographic Report

MSSNY will provide the House of Delegates with an annual report on the demographics of its delegates, alternate delegates on a county by county basis as well as the demographics of MSSNY’s committee members, officers, councilors, trustees, AMA delegation and general membership stratified by age, gender, race/ethnicity, education, board certification, career stage and employment environment.  (HOD 2020-200) 

207.959        Shortening the MSSNY House of Delegates Meeting

Beginning with the annual meeting of 2023, the business meeting of the House of Delegates shall be shortened to two days.

Beginning in 2022, resolutions for that year’s HOD will be published as many as 60 days before the meeting. Delegates, alternate delegates and all other members will be encouraged to submit advanced testimony online, through written testimony or virtual reference committee testimony.

MSSNY will explore the best options for additional CME either through an extended optional day held in conjunction with the HOD or at a separate time and place that might encourage additional member engagement and non-dues revenue.  (HOD 2020-218) 

207.960        Improvement of MSSNY Policy Search Engine

MSSNY administration and technology committees will study ways to incorporate keywords in all MSSNY policies and actions of the House of Delegates in order to improve the current search engine to make it more user friendly and accessible.  MSSNY will allocate adequate staffing and financial resources, including the use of outside technology and computer consultants to achieve the goal of an improved search engine on the MSSNY website. (HOD 2020-214) 

207.961        Development of Political Alliances

MSSNY will endeavor strongly to develop and cultivate relationships with political interest groups, non-medical policy experts, and with state and national media outlets to help advance issues important to our physicians and the patients we serve.  MSSNY will report back to the membership via electronic communications and online resources on development of such relationships. (Substitute adopted Council 6/4/2020; HOD 2020-101, 102 and 103) 

207.962        Representation of County Operative Functions at Council

MSSNY will grant the County Medical Societies a Federation Representative at MSSNY Council to voice the unique operational challenges faced by the counties and grant the selected Federation Representative a term limit of three years as nominated and chosen by the majority vote cast of the County Executives that partner with MSSNY. (HOD 2019-220)

207.963        Membership Expansion and Representation of Diverse Physician Organizations

MSSNY will study the issue of representation of diverse and/or ethnic physician not-for-profit organizations at its HOD along with outreach and membership incentives and submit appropriate policy recommendations to the MSSNY Bylaws Committee. (HOD 2019-218)

207.964        Dues Equity

The long-term goal of the Medical Society of the State of New York is equity in dues for all members.  MSSNY will review all pilot programs and ensure that they are conducted in accordance with the Bylaws.  The Council will report to the House annually on the status of all pilot programs.  (HOD 2018-210 and 212)

207.965        Creation of Strategic Membership Plan

The Medical Society of the State of New York will continue working with representatives of county medical societies to develop short, medium and long-range plans which should include:

-Membership growth initiatives
-Unified communications and member relations strategy
-County medical society collaboration strategies
-Fiscal sustainability strategies
-Recommendations for an equitable system of MSSNY membership dues and privileges
(HOD 2018-208, 211, 213) 

207.966        MSSNY Approval of any Amicus Brief

Any proposed MSSNY amicus, or proposed participation in any amicus brief by MSSNY, will require the approval of the President when MSSNY has related policy; approval of the MSSNY Council or Executive Committee when there is no relevant MSSNY policy and approval of the MSSNY Board of Trustees when funds are requested in relation to the amicus brief.  (HOD 2018-202; Amended and adopted Council, Sept 17, 2020)

207.967        Recommendations of the MSSNY Task Force on Physician Stress and Burnout

The Task Force recommended approval of a Memorandum of Understanding with the Federation of State Medical Boards for data analysis of burnout survey results.  It was further recommended and approved that, under the guidance of the MSSNY Communications Division, that the burnout survey results be used in outreach to physicians and other target audiences.  (Adopted Council, 6/22/17)

207.968           Development of Physician Burnout Programs

MSSNY will inform its members of the Council action supporting development of a program to assist physicians experiencing symptoms of stress or burnout due to administrative overload.  The program would not constitute the practice of medicine and would preserve confidentiality for the physician.

The Medical Society of the State of New York (MSSNY) will request that the American Medical Association (AMA) produce a report summarizing current research and efforts to address physician practice sustainability and satisfaction.

The MSSNY Task Force on Physician Burnout and Stress will continue to meet and expand its work to include the development of information about the administrative and regulatory burdens placed on physicians with recommendations to reduce these burdens that may also then reduce physician burnout, depression and suicide, and report back to the Council or the House of Delegates.  (HOD 2017-201, 202, 203)

207.969           MSSNY Physician Stress and Burnout Task Force

MSSNY will:

Develop CME programs on physician stress and burnout, as well as the peer support model, recruiting a cadre of doctors to do such CME presentations;

Seek grants or other funding to support CME, study of burnout, and program activities in an enduring way;

Continue collaboration with other organizations on burnout reduction and wellness efforts;

Develop a peer support model to all county societies, hospitals/hospital systems, and practices through grants or other funding (Adopted, Council 1/19/17)

Distribute to MSSNY membership burnout survey data coupled with a preliminary plan for interventions; beginning with distribution of survey results at the 2017 House of Delegates and CME presentations during the weekend;

Develop a program to assist doctors when they need to reach out for help to sustain their wellness before it progresses to mental health or substance use disorder, charging the MSSNY legal team and staff to devise a solution which meets the needs of our members and maintains the legal and financial integrity of the MSSNY organization. (Adopted, Council 3/7/17; Reaffirmed HOD 2021-155)

207.970           “Tabling” a Resolution Prior to Discussion

The Medical Society of the State of New York (MSSNY) will disallow the parliamentary mechanism of “tabling” a resolution prior to it being considered by a reference committee in its own House of Delegates.  This will be forwarded to the AMA HOD in order to eliminate the use of the parliamentary tactic of “tabling” a resolution prior to debate in the AMA HOD or its assigned reference committee.  (HOD 2016-217) 

207.971           Partnering with Independent Practice Associations

The Medical Society of the State of New York (MSSNY) will explore partnering with independent practice associations (IPAs) to offer discounted IPA membership fees for MSSNY members, possibly in return for reduced medical society dues. (HOD 2016-205) 

207.972           MSSNY Organized Medical Staff Section

The Medical Society of the State of New York (MSSNY) will request that all medical staffs with institutional membership agreements with MSSNY appoint a representative to the MSSNY Organized Medical Staff Section and that each MSSNY Organized Medical Staff Section representative be tasked with surveying his or her own individual medical staff and hospital administration to obtain the top educational priorities for his or her particular medical staff.   When developing its education programs, the Medical Society of the State of New York (MSSNY), will factor in the educational priorities of medical staffs with institutional membership agreements. (HOD 2016-203) 

207.973         Utilizing Social Media to Support Advocacy for Our Patients

The Medical Society of the State of New York will post links to action alerts of particular importance on its Twitter and Facebook pages. (HOD 2016-202)

207.974        Guidelines for Collaboration with Non-MSSNY Physician Groups

The MSSNY President may decide if a non-MSSNY physician group (such as the Out-of-Network Preservation Work Group) warrants creation of its own special committee within MSSNY.  For each special committee created, the President shall:

  1. appoint the chair person and members of such a committee as the Bylaws currently authorize him/her to do for all committees of the Council, thereby determining the size of the Committee, subject to the approval of the Council;
  2. assure that all members of such a committee are membes of MSSNY; and
  3. assure that all special committees report to the Council and be subject to the Council unless otherwise instructed by the House of Delegates.

Each President-Elect of the Medical Society of the State of New York shall continue to analyze on an annual basis MSSNY’s committee structure with an intention to eliminate any committee not felt to be contributing directly to MSSNY’s mission and combining committees wherever possible to reduce duplication, confusion and cost.

MSSNY may sign on to letters with non-MSSNY groups when consistent with existing MSSNY policy and at the discretion of the President.  In the absence of existing MSSNY policy, letters should be vetted by the President, who may exercise his or her prerogative to act on behalf of MSSNY, convene the Executive Committee of the Council for decision, or address the issue at the next Council meeting as time permits.  Where there is a contentious issue or items should be reviewed, items should be brought to the Executive Committee or Council.  (Adopted Council, 3/7/16)

207.975        Medical Society Dues as Part of Biennial Registration

The Medical Society of the State of New York will investigate logistics of including MSSNY and County Medical Society opt-out dues in the New York State Department of Education biennial registration billing and payment.  (HOD 2015-113; referred to, amended and adopted Council 11/5/2015) 

207.976        Informed Choices for MSSNY Elections

MSSNY will provide all voting members of the House of Delegates with the following information about candidates nominated for election to the Board of Trustees, the Council, Officers, and the AMA Delegation: Medical School, Residency/Fellowship, Specialty, Hospital Affiliations, Practice Setting, and Prior Experience in Organized Medicine.

MSSNY will provide candidates nominated for election to the Board of Trustees, the Council, Officers and the AMA Delegation the opportunity to provide a written statement for distribution to all voting delegates.  (HOD 2015-209) 

207.977           Conflict of Interest

MSSNY has adopted policy which strives to ensure that Councilors, Officers, Trustees, Committee Members or key employees will not act to further their personal benefit or in a way which is contrary to the interests of the organization.  The Conflict of Interest Annual Disclosure Form will be submitted prior to election, by each officer, councilor, director, trustee, member, owner or employee on an annual basis.  (Reaffirmed Council 5/22/2014; Reaffirmed HOD 2019 in lieu of res 206)

207.978           Meeting Management Education for Physician Leaders

The Medical Society of the State of New York will continue to seek funding to provide meeting management education for leaders at all levels, including committee chairs and officers and all MSSNY leaders, appointed or elected, should be encouraged to participate in meeting management training.  (HOD 2014-200; Reaffirmed HOD 2024)

207.979           MSSNY Committee Structure

The President-Elect of the Medical Society of the State of New York shall continue to analyze on an annual basis its committee structure with an intention to eliminate any committee not felt to be contributing directly to MSSNY’s mission and combining committees wherever possible to reduce duplication, confusion and cost. (HOD 2014-201; Reaffirmed HOD 2024) 

207.980           Increasing Medical Student and Physician Interactions

MSSNY will encourage all county medical societies with medical student, resident/fellow and young physician members to include representatives of those membership segments within their leadership bodies and create outreach or mentorship programs for medical students by working with their medical student, resident/fellow and young physician members. (HOD 2014 – 202; Amended – HOD 2024 – 213; Reaffirmed HOD 2024)

207.981           Support of the MSSNY/ Dr. Duane and Joyce Cady Honor Fund

A flier explaining the MSSNY/Dr. Duane and Joyce Cady Honor Fund and its mission will be enclosed with the MSSNY dues bill, the fund will be explained in other MSSNY communications to the membership and a list of donors to the Fund will be published with feature articles on the scholarship recipients.  (HOD 2014-203)

207.982           Nomination Process

The nomination process for Officers, Councilors and Delegates to the AMA will be posted on the MSSNY website and MSSNY will seek new ways of disseminating information on the nomination process to the membership. (HOD 2014-204; Reaffirmed HOD 2024) 

207.983:          Develop and Market a Secure Message System for Healthcare

MSSNY will continue to work with health information exchanges, legal, medical hardware and software experts, and existing vendors of products that provide HIPAA compatible communication; and will pursue options to partner with such an existing company or companies in a manner that would be mutually beneficial to both MSSNY and our members. (HOD 2013-209; Reaffirmed HOD 2023)

207.983.1        Referred Resolutions

When a resolution is referred by the MSSNY House of Delegates to Council and subsequently referred to a MSSNY Committee, the author of the original resolution or a representative of the author or introducer may be invited to speak at the appropriate Committee meeting to ensure that the essence or reasoning of the resolution is fully understood by the members of the Committee.  (Adopted Council September 12, 2013; Reaffirmed HOD 2023; Reaffirmed HOD 2024)

207.984           Encouraging MSSNY to Produce Compliance Packages and Make Them Available to Members at Reduced Cost

MSSNY will request from our General Counsel a compliance guideline website in electronic form that will be available to members for self-customization for each practice, both to enhance membership and to help protect our members from civil monetary penalties. (HOD 2013-263; Reaffirmed HOD 2023)

207.985:          Increase MSSNYPAC “Opt-Out” Contribution for the 2013-14 Dues Billing Cycle

Starting with the 2013-14 billing cycle, all MSSNY active, regular dues paying members’ dues invoices will contain a voluntary $175 Political Action Committee contribution, with the amount for student and resident members to be determined by their respective constituency sections. This will appear on the dues bill as a line item with the opt-out contribution. (HOD 2013-203 and 219)

207.986:          Positioning MSSNY for the Future: Streamlining and Cost Saving:SUNSET HOD 2023

MSSNY will establish a Committee on Long Range Planning and Development to develop recommendations to the MSSNY House of Delegates, Council, Board of Trustees and staff to best position MSSNY in an ever-changing environment. (HOD 2013-202 and 2013-217)

207.987:          MSSNY Policy: SUNSET HOD 2023

207.988           Task Force for Patient Transitions: SUNSET HOD 2022

207.989           Following Up MSSNY House of Delegates Actions

The Medical Society of the State of New York will routinely and at least annually, prior to the HOD meeting, provide progress reports on all resolutions passed at the House of Delegates in the past year, including those referred to Council, showing what has been done and is planned for implementation of each resolution. (HOD 2012-202; Reaffirmed HOD 2022)

207.990           Dedicated Medical Liability Reform Web Site

The Medical Society of the State of New York will examine the medical liability reform component of the advocacy section of its website and ensure that it contains these components:  position statements, talking points, research and data highlighting the need for reform, media clips, legislator votes and comments, and all other pertinent materials that will educate and equip our member to advocate effectively on this critically important issue.  (HOD 2011-219; Reaffirmed HOD 2021)

207.991           Election of Officers for MSSNY SUNSET HOD 2021

207.992           Short Term Loan Program at Completion of Residency: SUNSET HOD 2021

207.993           Examining Efficiency and Value to the Member: SUNSET HOD 2021

207.994           YPS Chair in Each County or District Branch: SUNSET HOD 2021

207.995           Professionalism in Terminology

The leadership and staff of the Medical Society of the State of New York shall not in written or spoken work, use the term “provider” in referring to physicians nor the term “reimbursement” when referring to payments to physicians. (HOD 2011-210; Reaffirmed HOD 2021)

207.996         MSSNY Peer-Reviewed Medical Journal: SUNSET HOD 2022

207.997         MSSNY Dues: SUNSET HOD 2022

207.998        MSSNY’s Defined Benefit Pension Plan Funding: SUNSET HOD 2021

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