10.000 ACCIDENT PREVENTION: (See also Public Health and Safety, 260.000)
10.968 Bicycle Safety Infrastructure
The Medical Society of the State of New York will encourage law enforcement to enforce the rules of the road, and will collaborate with county medical societies to ensure that future infrastructure projects consider the safety of bicyclists. (HOD 2018 – 151 and 152)
10.969 Rumble Strips:
MSSNY supports the use of rumble strips on highways and on roadways for which an engineering study or crash analysis suggests the number of crashes would likely be reduced by the presence of rumble strips. (HOD 2010-150; Amended and reaffirmed HOD 2020)
10.970 Physician Reporting of Patients Who Should Not Drive:
MSSNY will promote passage of state legislation to establish a system to allow, but not require, physicians to confidentially report to appropriate governmental agencies or departments that a patient is not physically or mentally capable of operating a motor vehicle without jeopardizing his or her health or that of others, while also providing immunity from civil or criminal liability for reporting or not reporting when such is done in good faith. (Council 3/3/08; Reaffirmed HOD 2018)
10.971 Medical Certification of Drivers Covered by Article 19-A: (Council 6/14/07; SUNSET HOD 2018)
10.972 The Use of Helmets in Alpine Skiing and Snowboarding at New York State Resorts:
MSSNY supports the use of properly certified helmets while alpine skiing and snowboarding at New York State ski resorts; and supports the inclusion of helmets in the rental packages offered by New York State ski resorts and rental shops. (HOD 2006-151; Amended HOD 2016)
10.973 Require Backup Warning Devices On New SUVs As Standard Equipment: SUNSET HOD 2015
10.974 ATV Safety: SUNSET HOD 2015
10.975 Use of Protective Headgear to Prevent Injuries: SUNSET HOD 2015
10.976 Impaired Drivers: The Physician’s Dilemma: See Policy 260.939
10.977 Safety in Sport and Leisure Activity:
MSSNY will continue to work with other appropriate agencies and organizations to encourage safety in sport and leisure activity by advocating the use of protective equipment, and the proper training of coaches and trainers. (HOD 2001-161; Reaffirmed HOD 2011; Reaffirmed HOD 2021)
10.978 Physician’s Role in Driver Safety: SUNSET HOD 2024
10.979 “Drive Now, Talk Later”: SUNSET HOD 2014
10.980 Ski Helmet Requirement: SUNSET HOD 2014
10.981 Child Safety Seats:
MSSNY will seek and support legislation that mandates that automobile rental agencies provide child safety seats whenever needed, free of charge. (HOD 1998-167; Reaffirmed HOD 2014)
10.982 Expanded Use Of Safety Helmets:
MSSNY will pursue legislation which would require the use of helmets for all cyclists, inline skaters, skateboarders, alpine skiers, snowboarders, scooters and roller skaters, regardless of age. (HOD 1997-176; Modified and reaffirmed HOD 2014; Reaffirmed HOD 2024)
10.983 In-Line Skating Injuries:
MSSNY supports the use of full protective equipment for in-line skating and supports appropriate efforts to educate adults and children about in-line skating safety, such as encouraging physicians to educate their patients about the importance of safety equipment use, and working with organizations like the American Academy of Pediatrics to promote widespread distribution on information and educational materials about in-line safety, including the use of protective equipment, to both medical and non-medical audiences.
MSSNY will urge state consumer protection agencies to require the availability of all safety equipment at the point of in-line skate purchase or rental and will support legislation requiring the mandatory use of full protective equipment for children 16 years of age and younger. (Council 12/14/95; Reaffirmed HOD 2014; Reaffirmed HOD 2024)
10.984 Air Bags in Automobiles: SUNSET HOD 2014
10.985 Handrails in Hallways: SUNSET HOD 2014
10.986 Jogging Attire: SUNSET HOD 2014
10.987 Reflective Tape for Clothing:
MSSNY encourages the use of reflective clothing for the protection of pedestrians, joggers, and bicyclists during times of poor visibility, inasmuch as the use of reflective tape prevents accidents through increased visibility. (Council 6/13/91; Reaffirmed HOD 2007-153; Reaffirmed HOD 2017)
10.988 Videotaping Drunken Drivers: SUNSET HOD 2014
10.989 Bicycle Helmets:
MSSNY supports requiring the use of approved helmets by all bicyclists on New York State roadways, regardless of age. (Council 1/26/89; HOD 1992-16 & HOD 2007-154; Modified and Reaffirmed HOD 2017)
10.990 Low Beam Headlights:
In an effort to reduce multi-vehicle accidents, MSSNY encourages the use of low beam headlights on all vehicles. The Society favors the installation on all vehicles sold in the United States by foreign and domestic manufacturers of a system which will automatically turn on low beam headlights with the ignition switch. (HOD 1987-77; Reaffirmed HOD 2013; Modified and Reaffirmed HOD 2023; Reaffirmed HOD 2024)
10.991 Safety Regulations for Motorcycle Operators: SUNSET HOD 2013
10.992 Safety Belt Usage: SUNSET HOD 2014
10.993 Shoulder Harnesses for Outboard Rear Seat Occupants: SUNSET HOD 2013
10.994 Safety Belts for Front Seat Occupants: SUNSET HOD 2013
10.995 Additional Death Benefits for Deceased’s Use of Safety Belts: SUNSET HOD 2013
10.996 Leadership for Successful Promulgation of Mandatory Safety Belt Law: SUNSET HOD 2013
10.997 Call for Mandatory Safety Belt Usage:
MSSNY calls upon the legislature to enact laws mandating both front and rear safety belt usage for people of all ages. Further, MSSNY will pursue legislative action or regulation that would mandate all passengers, including rear seat passengers, regardless of age, be required to use safety belts. The New York Coalition for Safety Belt Use was organized with the Medical Society of the State of New York in a leading position. (HOD 1982-19; Reaffirmed HOD 2013; Modified and adopted HOD 2019-112)
10.998 Proper Use and Design of Car Seats: SUNSET HOD 2013
10.999 Car Seats for Children: SUNSET HOD 2013
Position Statements