145.992        Expanding Protections of End-Of-Life Care  

The Medical Society of the State of New York:

(1) recognizes that healthcare, including end of life care like hospice, is a human right.

(2) supports the education of medical students, residents and physicians about the need for physicians who provide end of life healthcare services.

(3) supports the medical and public health importance of access to safe end of life healthcare services and the medical, ethical, legal and psychological principles associated with end-of-life care.

(4) supports education of physicians and lay people about the importance of offering medications to treat distressing symptoms associated with end of life including dyspnea, air hunger, and pain.

(5) will work with interested state medical societies and medical specialty societies to vigorously advocate for broad, equitable access to end-of-life care.

(6) supports shared decision-making between patients and their physicians regarding end-of-life healthcare.

(7) opposes limitations on access to evidence-based end of life care services.

(8) opposes the imposition of criminal and civil penalties or other retaliatory efforts against physicians for receiving, assisting in, referring patients to, or providing end of life healthcare services.

A copy of this resolution will be forwarded to the AMA. (HOD 2023-166)

145.993        MSSNY Task Force on End of Life Care-Final Report

The final report of the MSSNY End of Life Task Force provides a review and recommendations of issues regarding end of life care.  The report includes the following recommendations:

MSSNY will request the New York State Department of Health convene a group of stakeholders which will standardize community hospice programs around the state as well as the distribution of those programs.

MSSNY will work with the New York State Department of Health to develop culturally competent hospice guidelines.

MSSNY supports the development of a state central depository for eMOLST.

MSSNY will urge the New York State Legislature to create adequate reimbursement for end of life services.

MSSNY will request the NYS Department of Health and the AMA to develop educational resources for physicians, allied health professionals and patients on end of life care.

MSSNY will urge the AMA to work with all stakeholders to develop proper quality metrics to evaluate and improve palliative and hospice care.

MSSNY will request the NYS Department of Health to simplify the hospice re-certification process in the state.

MSSNY will offer end of life educational programming through live seminars, webinars and online.  (HOD 2020-PHE reference committee report) 

145.994        Hospice Recertification for Non-Cancer Diagnosis

The Medical Society of the State of New York supports the passage of state regulation and/or legislation that allows automatic reinstatement for hospice if a patient survives for more than 6 months with a non-cancer diagnosis and prognosis remains terminal.  (Amended & adopted by Council March 2020 from 2019-273)

145.995             Quality End of Life Care

The Medical Society of the State of New York supports efforts to increase funding in New York State for the availability of end of life care, mental health services, support services for daily living activities, hospice, and palliative care programs which improve each person’s quality of life as it nears its natural end.  (HOD 2018-163)

145.996           Maintaining and Developing High Quality Hospice and Palliative Care: SUNSET HOD 2024

145.997           Palliative Care Services:

MSSNY supports public education regarding palliative care and seeks state legislation/regulation to provide appropriate reimbursement for evidenced-based palliative care services. (HOD 2005-160; Reaffirmed HOD 2015)

145.998          Medicare Hospice Benefits for Nursing Home Residents: SUNSET HOD 2014

145.999          Hospice Care:

Hospice is provided at home or in freestanding hospice centers, nursing homes and other long term care facilities.  Hospice is a concept of patient and family centered, designed to meet the physical, psychological, spiritual, and social needs of terminally ill patients and their families.  This care shall be rendered by a physician-led inter-disciplinary team.

The goals of hospice care are:  1)  Manages the patient’s pain and symptoms; 2)  Assists the patient with the emotional, psychosocial and spiritual aspects of dying; 3)  Provides needed drugs, medical supplies and equipment;  4)To support the family on how to care for the patient  (5) Provides bereavement care and counseling to surviving family and friends.  (Council 6/21/79; Modified and Reaffirmed HOD 2013; Reaffirmed HOD 2023; Reaffirmed HOD 2024)


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