(See also Children and Youth, 30.000; Medicaid, 175.000; Public Health & Safety, 260.000)
15.950 End the Epidemic of HIV Nationally
MSSNY supports the funding for New York’s End the Epidemic 2020 program to sustain the initiative’s progress to achieve the 2020 target. MSSNY will urge that the American Medical Association advocate that the federal budget include provisions to End the HIV epidemic and that such a plan be structured after New York State’s EtE 2020 or other similar state programs. (HOD 2019-150)
15.951 Education about Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis for HIV
The Medical Society of the State of New York will continue its efforts to work with state agencies to educate physicians about the effective use of pre-exposure prophylaxis for HIV and the US PrEP Clinical Practice Guidelines. MSSNY will continue its advocacy work to require that all insurers cover the costs associated with the administration of PrEP and work with governmental officials to study the feasibility of providing PrEP free of charge to high risk individuals.
A copy of this resolution will be transmitted to the AMA for consideration at the 2016 House of Delegates. (HOD 2016-159)
15.952 HIV Testing Guidelines: SUNSET HOD 2022
15.953 Support of a National HIV/AIDS Strategy: SUNSET HOD 2019
15.954 HIV Testing for Those Incarcerated, Prior to Release:
MSSNY to advocate to the New York State Department of Corrections and the New York City Department of Corrections that both be required to routinely offer voluntary HIV testing to all inmates prior to discharge; and, upon a positive test finding, (1) appropriate therapy be initiated and case management be instituted to prevent the interruption of treatment; and (2) the appropriate partner notification be implemented in the usual confidential manner to protect all parties. (HOD 2009-160; Reaffirmed HOD 2019)
15.955 Condom Availability in Jails and Prisons:
MSSNY supports a policy of making condoms accessible to all incarcerated persons. (HOD 2009-159; Reaffirmed HOD 2019)
15.956 Rapid In-Office HIV Testing and Public Health Law 27F: (HOD 2008-156; SUNSET HOD 2018)
15. 957 Expedited Partner Therapy in the Management of Sexually Transmitted Infections
MSSNY (1) supports the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s guidance on expedited partner therapy (EPT); and (2) supports legislation that would allow physicians diagnosing a sexually transmitted infection (STI) in an individual to prescribe or dispense antibiotics to that person’s sex partner in instances where the CDC has recommended the use of EPT; and (3) supports that physicians participating in the delivery of EPT are protected from liability.
(HOD 2008-155; Amended HOD 2013-172 with title change; Modified and Reaffirmed HOD 2023)
15.958 Disclosure and Exchange of Health Information Among Providers: (Sunset HOD 2017)
15.959 Expanding HIV Screening: (Sunset HOD 2017)
15.960 Exchange/Disclosure of Health Information re HIV/AIDS Patients: (Sunset HOD 2017)
15.961 Center for Disease Control’s Revised Recommendations for HIV Testing of Adults: (Sunset HOD 2017)
15.962 Non-Consented HIV Testing: (Sunset HOD 2016)
15.963 Amend HIV Laws: (Sunset HOD 2016)
15.964 New York State Department of Health’s New Guidelines Pertaining to HIV Counseling and Testing: (Sunset HOD 2016)
15.965 Expansion of HIV Prevention Programs in Prisons:
MSSNY will urge the New York state Department of Corrections to develop and implement comprehensive HIV prevention and education programs specifically designed for the prison population. (HOD 1997-157; Reaffirmed HOD 2014; Reaffirmed HOD 2024)
15.966 MSSNY Position on HIV Surveillance and Partner Notification: SUNSET HOD 2014
15.967 Physician Discussion of AIDS with Patients 50 and Older: SUNSET HOD 2014
15.968 HIV Testing to be Part of a Routine Physical: (Sunset HOD 2016)
15.969 HIV Status Disclosure To Occupationally Exposed Health Care Workers and Others: (Sunset HOD 2016)
15.970 Limited Disclosure of Patient’s HIV Status: SUNSET HOD 2014
15.971 Prophylactic Drug Treatment for Health Care Workers: SUNSET HOD 2014
15.972 Needle Exchange Program, Expansion of: SUNSET HOD 2014
15.973 HIV Reduction Through Harm Reduction Measures: SUNSET HOD 2013
15.974 HIV Testing Mandatory to Prevent Prenatal Transmission of: SUNSET HOD 2014
15.975 HIV Infection, Counseling for as a Part of Routine Health Maintenance: SUNSET HOD 2024
15.976 HIV Testing, Mandatory in Criminal Cases: SUNSET HOD 2014
15.977 Epidemiologic Control Measures Against Aids: SUNSET HOD 2024
15.978 Testing – Mandatory of all NYS Prison Inmates for HIV and Tuberculosis Infection: SUNSET HOD 2014
15.979 Physicians’ Duty to Treat HIV Seropositive Patients:
MSSNY supports the concept that a physician may not ethically refuse to treat a patient whose condition is within the physician’s current realm of competence solely because the patient is HIV seropositive. Physicians who are unable to provide the services should make referrals to physicians or facilities equipped to provide such services. Persons who are HIV seropositive should not be subjected to discrimination based on fear or prejudice. (Council 1/31/91; Modified and reaffirmed HOD 2014; Modified and reaffirmed HOD 2024)
15.980 Responsibilities of HIV Positive Physicians and Other Health Care Workers: SUNSET HOD 2024
15.981 Ambulatory Treatment of HIV Infection: SUNSET HOD 2014
15.982 Condoms, Use and Advertising of: SUNSET HOD 2024
15.983 Communicable/Sexually Transmissible Disease – Designation of: SUNSET HOD 2019
15.984 Confidentiality of Test Results: SUNSET HOD 2013
15.985 Reporting HIV Status to Public Health Officers: SUNSET HOD 2013
15.986 Testing – Mandatory for HIV: SUNSET HOD 2013
15.987 HIV Infected Children, Immunization of: SUNSET HOD 2013
15.988 HIV Infection and Drug Abuse: SUNSET HOD 2013
15.989 HIV Infection Status of Patient, Right of Health Care Workers to Know: SUNSET HOD 2013
15.990 HIV Testing Laboratories: SUNSET HOD 2013
15.991 Blood Transfusions Contaminated by HIV: SUNSET HOD 2013
15.992 HIV Transmission in Health Care Setting: SUNSET HOD 2013
15.993 Testing – Voluntary for Persons at High Risk of AIDS: SUNSET HOD 2014
15.994 Needles and Syringes (Sterile), Providing to Drug Abusers: SUNSET HOD 2013
15.995 Public Reservoirs of Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Control of: SUNSET HOD 2013
15.996 Notifying Sexual Partners of HIV Status: SUNSET HOD 2013
15.997 Contact Tracing: SUNSET HOD 2013
15.998 Counseling: SUNSET HOD 2013
15.999 Heroin Addicted Population: SUNSET HOD 2013
Position Statements