20.895 Appropriate Warning Labels and Signs on Alcoholic Beverages
The Medical Society of the State of New York will continue to advocate for clear and legible warnings on all products that contain alcohol. (HOD 2023-151)
(See also Accident Prevention, 10.000; Drug Abuse, 65.000; Health Insurance Coverage, 120.000; Reimbursement, 265.000; Tobacco Use and Smoking, 300.000)
20.896 Increasing Awareness of Potential Drunk Drivers’ Blood Alcohol Content
The Medical Society of the State of New York will request that the New York State Liquor Authority research the use of blood alcohol content testing devices as a tool to reduce drunk driving in the state. (HOD 2015-158)
20.897 Age-based Alcohol Policies: SUNSET HOD 2021
20.898 Blood Alcohol Level and Driving:
MSSNY supports efforts to lower the current drinking level standard from 0.08% to the more desirable alcohol level of 0.05%. (HOD 1997-182; Modified and reaffirmed HOD 2014; Reaffirmed HOD 2024)
20.899 Continuation of the Hospital Intervention Services Program for Alcoholism Screening: SUNSET HOD 2014
20.900 Sales Tax Increase on Alcohol and Cigarettes:
The Medical Society of the State of New York Reaffirm MSSNY Policy 20.900
MSSNY supports an increase in the tax on alcohol and cigarettes in order to discourage alcohol and cigarettes use. (HOD 1993-124; Modified and reaffirmed HOD 2014; Reaffirmed HOD 2024 – 156; Reaffirmed HOD 2024)
20.991 Advertising Ban:
In the interest of promoting better health in our communities, the Medical Society of the State of New York supports banning alcohol advertising on billboards near all schools and public housing and at sporting events. Billboard advertisements should not be placed less than five city blocks or 1,500 feet from all schools and public housing. (HOD 1992-100 & 1992-101; Reaffirmed HOD 2014; Modified and reaffirmed HOD 2024)
20.992 Blood Alcohol Levels in Automobile Accident Cases: SUNSET HOD 2014
20.993 Admissibility of Blood Alcohol Samples as Legal Evidence:
MSSNY supports the principle of permitting a blood alcohol sample drawn in the course of medical treatment of an injured driver to be admissible as legal evidence in any criminal or civil proceeding against such individual, provided that an appropriate chain of custody and quality of analytical results is maintained. (Council 5/14/92; Reaffirmed HOD 2014; Reaffirmed HOD 2024)
20.994 Classification of Disease: SUNSET HOD 2014
20.995 Deleterious Effects of Alcohol Consumption:
MSSNY supports programs which warn the public about the risk associated with the consumption of alcohol as it affects both men and women. (HOD 1991-120; Modified and affirmed HOD 2014; Reaffirmed HOD 2024)
20.996 Detoxification Coverage in Minimum Benefits Package of Uninsured: SUNSET HOD 2014
20.997 Alcohol and other Drug Misuse Prevention/Control:
MSSNY supports prevention policies and programs that include, but are not limited to, the following:
(1) Control of the quality, availability, advertising and promotion of alcoholic beverages. Such Controls include:
(a) Maintain a national legal age of purchase of 21 years for all alcoholic Beverages.
(b) Curbs on advertising of all alcoholic beverages, including the voluntary elimination of radio and TV advertising, and intermediate measures, such as the establishment and enforcement of national standards for radio, TV and print advertising which eliminate use of young people, athletes, persons engaging in risky activity and sexual innuendo.
(c) Counter advertising, through paid and public advertising, including health warnings about alcoholism and alcohol-related problems.
(d) Requirements that alcoholic beverage containers display all ingredients and alcoholic content by volume.
(e) Adjusting taxes on beer and wine to equate with those for distilled spirits, and adjusting taxes on all alcoholic beverages for inflation experienced since 1951.
(f) Devoting significant additional funds derived from increased taxes to the support of prevention and research.
(2) Control of the quality, distribution and availability of psychoactive drugs, including:
(a) Measures to prevent the manufacture, importation and sale of illicit drugs.
(b) Programs to prevent diversion of licit drugs for illicit sale and use.
(c) Discouraging the inclusion of alcohol as an ingredient in the formulation of medicines beyond the minimum required as a solvent.
(d) Promotion of safe and appropriate prescribing practices for drugs which may produce dependency.
(e) Warning labels on prescription and over-the-counter drugs describing possible adverse interactions with alcohol and other drugs.
(f) Warning labels indicating the potential of a drug to produce dependence.
(g) Programs to educate health professionals about identification of drug abusing, manipulative patients seeking psychoactive drugs for inappropriate use.
(3) Scientifically sound education for all segments of society including:
(a) Age-appropriate education about the nature and effects of alcohol and drug use, including alternatives to such use, throughout the school curriculum.
(b) Public education about the nature and causes of alcoholism and other drug dependence, the interaction of alcohol and other drugs, alternative techniques of managing stress, and the effects of alcohol and drugs on health and safety.
(c) Adequate professional education about alcohol and drug problems in all programs which prepare students for careers in health, human services, teaching, the clergy, police, public administration and law.
(d) Programs to keep practicing health professionals abreast of new knowledge and of current law and regulation relating to alcohol and drugs.
(e) Avoidance of glamorization of alcohol and drug use and abuse by the media.
(f) Accurate reporting of the adverse societal consequences of alcohol and drug use in the print and broadcast news.
(g) Special programs aimed at populations known to be at high risk, including children of alcoholic and drug-dependent parents, pregnant women, medical, dental, nursing, pharmacy and veterinary students, health professionals, persons recovering from alcohol or drug dependence, persons undergoing stressful life situations and others.
(h) Education for bartenders and other servers of alcoholic beverages about safe serving practices and prevention of harm to a person who is alcohol-impaired.
(i) Inclusion of accurate information on alcohol and drug use in all health prevention programs.
(j) Measures to discourage or deter the manufacture, sale and promotion of drug paraphernalia (products designed to process, prepare and administer illegal substances).
(Council 9/12/85) (Modified and Reaffirmed HOD 2013; Reaffirmed HOD 2023-151; reaffirmed HOD 2023)
20.998 Driving While Intoxicated (DWI): SUNSET HOD 2014
20.999 Alcoholism Health Insurance Coverage: SUNSET HOD 2013
Position Statements