(See also Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome – [AIDS], 15.000; Drug Dispensing, 70.000; Reimbursement, 265.000; Tobacco Use and Smoking, 300.000; Vaccines, 312.000; Violence and Abuse, 315.000)
30.987 Treatment of Youths by the Justice System
The Medical Society of the State of New York (MSSNY) will support legislation or regulation that requires that youth under 18 years of age who are arrested for nonviolent crimes are processed as children, placed and remain in the juvenile justice system; and further
MSSNY will support legislation or regulation that requires that youth in the juvenile justice system who are identified with mental health or substance use disorders receive appropriate treatment, psychosocial recovery and support services for these mental health and substance use disorders. (HOD 2015-203)
30.988 Maintaining Tax Exempt Status for Youth Service Organizations
The MSSNY will oppose any New York State legislation that would remove the property tax exemptions currently granted to non-profit youth service organizations, such as 4H, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, and religious groups for the purpose of maintaining wilderness camps throughout New York State for the purposes of providing outdoor experiences for any of our youth. (Amended and adopted Council 11/20/2014. From HOD 2014-209; Reaffirmed HOD 2024)
30.989 Availability of Self-Injectable Epinephrine Devices in New York State Schools
The Medical Society of the State of New York will support legislation that requires all schools (public and private) to stock auto-injectable epinephrine devices in standardized dosage formulations and train personnel for the administration of this medication. MSSNY will urge the State Education Department (SED) to provide information to public and private schools about the ability for nurses and other trained individuals to administer auto-injectable epinephrine devices to children or adults who have had a severe allergic reaction and that these trained individuals are covered by the New York State “Good Samaritan” statute.
The Medical Society of the State of New York will educate its members about physicians being authorized to issue a non-patient specific regimen to a registered professional nurse under the provisions of Article 6527 (6) of the NYS Education Law. (HOD 2014-150)
30.990 Dangers of Youth Football
The Medical Society of the State of New York will promote the New York State Department of Health’s “When in Doubt…Take Them Out!” sports related concussion prevention campaign and the Sports Concussion Tool Kit developed by the American Academy of Neurology to its members. (HOD 2014-151; Reaffirmed HOD 2024)
30.991 Support Juvenile Justice
MSSNY will support efforts to study the etiologies of recidivism among juvenile delinquents, with a significant focus on incarcerated juveniles who have mental health factors involved in their delinquency compared to those with other factors; comparing treatment interventions that decrease juvenile delinquency recidivism and how intervention success varies when delivered in the institutional versus community–based settings.(2011-66 referred, amended, adopted by Council 3/19/12; Reaffirmed HOD 2022)
30.992 Graduated Drivers’ Licensing: SUNSET HOD 2013
30.993 Classification for Video Games: Sunset HOD 2011
30.994 Confidentiality of Adoption Records:
MSSNY will continue to advise all state legislative and regulatory agencies that, without mutual consent of the birth mother, birth father, if known, and child given for adoption, records which would identify either party remain sealed.
MSSNY affirms that the current system of handling requests for medical information, through a third party who is under oath to maintain the confidentiality of both parties, is adequate and sufficient to provide needed medical information to the child given for adoption. (HOD 2001-63; Reaffirmed HOD 2011; Reaffirmed HOD 2021)
30.995 Immunization of Adolescents:
MSSNY endorses the immunization recommendations for adolescents as set forth by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and will urge NYS to adopt ACIP immunization requirements for adolescents as a condition for school attendance so that the State will be able to participate in the movement toward universal protection. (HOD 1996-157; Reaffirmed HOD 2014; Reaffirmed HOD 2016-163; Reaffirmed HOD 2024)
30.996 Students with Complicated Medical Conditions: SUNSET HOD 2014
30.997 School Health Policy, Notification to Physicians of Changes to:
MSSNY has adopted the position that the New York State Department of Education, Health and Labor should include school district physicians on their electronic communications or mailing lists for any matters pertaining to school health. (Council 12/15/94; Modified and reaffirmed HOD 2014)
30.998 AIDS, School Health Education to Prevent the Spread of AIDS: SUNSET HOD 2013
Position Statements